There have always been cultural versions of perfection that are almost impossible to match: skinny models; muscular bodies; social media influencers – so many versions. Yet this is not beauty.

Our beauty shines through when we forget what others may think of us, how we should look, or what we should do. It shows when we are comfortable in our own skin, and when we are just being, without any consideration of how it may appear to others.

This is why it is so much easier to describe a plant or tree or animal or baby as beautiful – they’re not trying to impress us, they’re just being.

If beauty were an ideal shape, size, appearance to aim for, there would be a universal definition for it, but there clearly isn’t. This type of attractiveness changes across history, across cultures.

Beauty is defined by the clear spirit behind it, someone or something in their element, being who or what they are.

When we write or draw something to impress other people, or we ‘dress to impress’, we are betraying our own essence.

When our words, our art, our manner, flow from the heart, we allow our beauty through.

So be beautiful today!

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