I always think that New Year resolutions are a form of self-flagellation – promising to do or not do something that you’re almost bound to fail at!

So I prefer to set an intention for the year: how I want it to feel overall. From that, I can decide to do more of some things and less of others, to match my intention.

For example, if my intention is to feel happy and fulfilled – always a useful intention! – then it is easy to see what does and doesn’t make me feel that way and begin to make these less and more adjustments to my life.

It leads to a gradual improvement in how my life feels and gives me a simple measure to keep adjusting week by week.

Sometimes of course, I’ll slip and have a ‘bad week’ but that’s just part of the process and I can have another go the following week. It’s simple, it’s gentle and it is a kinder way of making my life work even better.

If you’ve had the same New Year resolutions over and over again and failed, why not try setting intentions instead, and give yourself a chance to succeed.

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